Friday, October 19, 2012

him...him...him [how many more] and her...

How bad could it get, when it was only the best she thought,
He was the bad boy, she found good in him too!
In the matured one, she found the child!
He was Mr. Perfect, little mischief deeds here and there kept her smiling!
With someone who wanted nothing, she left saying she could never have nothing to give!
When there were plans of life ahead, the sunset decided a different course!
Then there is him who wants less, but silently wishes all, she gives him all silently,willingly...
For every him, she somehow turned out to be the step before the ultimate happiness!
Where does she step now? Is she someone’s ultimate?
How bad could it get, when it was only the best she thought.
Some one’s fantasy, some one’s rebound,
In her kitty she carries her question mark..
Is here her answer?
is this the end of the search or beginning of a new find?
Wish she takes a step back, only if she would know, there is more to her best!
Only if she could stop playing with the words ‘i am fine’...
Only if she could break down and hate them all!
Maybe if she would stop looking for, she would find one!
How bad could it get, when it was only the best she thought.

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