Monday, October 11, 2010

Still so alive...!

That whiff of smoke, flaming ends,

burning cigarettes, Oh I hate those smeared ash

Why, Why do you smoke?

And there he stands smiles and shrugs

And I know I love him!

A journey on going…then…

I hear his voice, deep, passionate and a hold on my heart!

I meet those intense eyes

We both know, we deny though.

But no more, to the world we told,

Love is where we have lured.

The true love, the fantasy love,

It was love,

But I still ask,

Why, Why do you smoke?

This time he doesn’t jus stand or smile or shrug,

Its our lips together this time, it’s the dream kiss.

The soft lips, finding its way through my wet lips

The lingering taste of smoke, takes me high this time!

Its our lips together this time, it’s the dream kiss!

And now he looks into my eyes, smiles and shrugs!

And I know I love him!

We moved ahead, we moved apart,

But our love never left us

It held our fingers, followed us.

And we know its true, we know its pure,

Coz it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t cry

It makes us happy, that its still so alive!

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